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Counseling for Students

Need to speak to your counselor?

If you have a simple question, feel free to email your counselor. Your counselor is determined by the first letter of your last name, unless you are involved with Special Education or Grand Blanc Early College (List of Counselors is available below.)

You can sign up by clicking below to request an appointment. 

Request an apppointment

Transcripts - click on the TRANSCRIPTS button on the right hand side of this page.

College Visits - the link for sign-up and the upcoming visits list is on the COLLEGE RESOURCES FROM COUNSELING page. 

Credit Recovery - if you have credits you need to make up, sign up to see your counselor to get a form for credit recovery. 

Academic Resources - for help in all areas of subjects, including math, science, history, grammar, economics, and more, Khan Academy provides online educational resources including instructional videos, practice exercises, quizes, and tests to help students learn and practice skills. Click the button below to visit Khan Academy.

Khan Academy


Letters of Recommendation
If you need someone to write you a letter of recommendation, print the Letter of Recommendation        Form and give a copy to the person you would like a letter from. Please allow them enough time to          write the letter - at least two weeks if possible. Make sure you also give your counselor a copy.