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Social/Emotional Support

Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions. Our focus is largely on identifying needs and making connections.

While social/emotional learning is an ongoing process, we wanted to share with you the current layers of support that are available and also provide unique access to these supports for parents and guardians.

Within Grand Blanc High School, we have the following support available to students:

  • Counseling Staff - Each high school student is assigned a counselor who is available to support academic and social/emotional needs.
  • SEL Interventionists - two staff members are available to provide additional social-emotional learning opportunities and support for students. Students can be referred to interventionists by teachers, staff members, or parents/guardians.
  • School Social Workers - Two school social workers service Grand Blanc High School and are available to provide support for students with IEPs. They are also available to reinforce SEL supports building-wide for students and staff.

How students access support:

  • SRSS - Universal Screener for support. This is completed by teachers 2-3 times per school year. SEL team members and counseling staff review and follow up on results.
  • SEL Teacher Referral - When a teacher sees a need for support, they can report this to the SEL team for review.
  • Parent/Guardian Referral  - Google Form to make parent-based referrals to possible SEL support.