What is the process to apply for CSS?
You need to speak with your counselor about your graduation requirements and credits. Visit the CSS website and fill out the application with help from your counselor, student advisor, administrator, and/or parent.
What is the process for entering the CSS program?
Fill out the CSS application online. The application is reviewed by CSS admin, student advisor, and counselor. Students will attend a group information meeting (2-3 meetings per year: June, August, January). Parent must attend one of the offered parent informational meetings (zoom/Google meet). Entry is at semester or start/end of school year only.
What does a CSS schedule look like?
CSS students will be scheduled for a minimum of three CSS classes, including lab hours. Students will be scheduled for 1-2 CBL hours, depending on need. Juniors will typically have one, whereas seniors will have two.
What are student expectations when in CSS?
Attendance: Students should have less than 10 absences in any class per semester. Any more than 10 will result in student being placed on an attendance contract.
Behavior: Students are expected to uphold the rules and requirements of the GBHS student handbook. Students with repeated offenses that are a disruption to the learning environment will be placed on behavioral probation.
Academics: Students are expected to pass at least 75% of their teacher-led classes. (Ex: 3 out of 4; 4 out of 5) If students are not meeting this requirement at marking period, the student will be placed on academic probation.
Credit Recovery: Students must complete a minimum of 10% of APEX classes weekly for every hour of CBL they have. If students are not meeting this requirement at the marking period, the student will be placed on CBL probation.
At the end of the first and third marking period, students will be assessed for progress in these four areas. If a student is on probation in two or more areas, they will be placed on a CSS Student Performance Contract. A letter will also be mailed home to the parent. At the end of the semester, the student is subject to a review of these four areas by the CSS Admin, Student Advisor, and counselor. If a student has not shown marked improvement, the student will be removed from the CSS program.